哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)学术讲座: Non-Hermitian Topological Elastodynamics and Its Engineering Applications
发布时间:2024-11-06 16:32:07 942


演讲人Speaker:黄国良 教授

题目Title: Non-Hermitian Topological Elastodynamics and Its Engineering Applications

时间Date:2024年11月11日  Time:10:00

地点Venue:G栋 707室

邀请人Host:仲政 教授 周伟建 教授


Sensors with high precision are critical devices in many aspects of engineering applications. In this talk, we propose theoretically a novel class of sensors with superior performances based on exotic properties of non-Hermitian topological elastodynamics. First, we introduce the mechanical sensor designed using the exceptional points (EPs), which operates on a fundamental different principle: the eigenfrequency splitting near an EP follows a square-root dependence on the loading perturbation. Second, we introduce a non-Hermitian circuit for the enhanced sensing of the eletro-mechanical impedance method. This design features an open-boundary non-Hermitian circuits connected to the equivalent electromechanical impedance of engineering structures. On the basis of non-Hermitian topological states, we demonstrate extremely small damage detection characteristics on the beam and plate structures. The proposed ultrasensitive integrated sensors can have a wide range of applications in various fields and show an exciting prospect for next-generation sensing technologies.

个人简介(About the speaker):

黄国良,现任北京大学工学院新奥讲席教授。2006年,他加入美国阿肯色大学小石城分校,历任助理教授、终身副教授(2011年)。2014年,他加入美国密苏里大学,历任终身副教授、教授(2017年)、詹姆斯·道尔杰出教授(2019年)。2021年获得美国密苏里大学Huber and Hellen Croft讲席教授职位至回国前。黄教授长期从事固体本构、波动力学、智能材料及结构无损检测等领域研究。在Nature Reviews Materials, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Advanced Materials, Science Advances, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids发表期刊论文170余篇,谷歌H-index=64, 被列入Stanford全球前2%学者。撰写力学超材料英文专著1本,现任国际波动期刊Wave Motion副主编, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics副主编, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 副主编,Frontiers in Physics声学专业主编,美国机械工程师协会振动,噪音和声子专业委员会主席,美国机械工程师协会会士,国际国际光学与光子学学会会士, 国际高等材料学会会士。作为项目负责人完成了美国国家自然基金(NSF)重大项目、陆军(Army)重大项目、空军(AFOSR)、海军(ONR)以及能源部(DOE)重点项目,近五年主持了5个百万级以上大项目,并任八个国家和地区的科学基金评审人(澳大利亚、新加坡、英国、西班牙、德国、香港、卡塔尔、印度)。

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