报告题目:Antiferroelectrics: bulky crystals and the quest of nanotechnology
报告人: Roman G.BURKOVSKY,圣彼得堡彼得大帝理工大学
日 期:2024 年 01 月 17 日 时 间:15:30-16:30
地 点:T5204
Roman G.BURKOVSKY教授现就职于圣彼得堡彼得大帝理工大学物理电子学系。2011年获圣彼得堡彼得大帝理工大学博士学位。2012-2015年博士后期间在法国格勒诺布尔的欧洲同步辐射光源工作,2015年加入圣彼得堡彼得大帝理工大学任教。在Nature Comm、Physical Review Letters、Physical Review B等期刊发表论文44篇。研究成果被引用741次,H指数11。他的研究兴趣包括功能钙钛矿氧化物,X射线散射光谱学,朗道理论和半经验模型等。
Research into antiferroelectrics goes through the middle of an exciting scientific journey. These materials became attractive because of the ability to store electric energy without chemical reactions but by means of triggering changes in the crystal structure. Nowadays, most of the attention in the field turns towards nanotechnology involving antiferroelectric materials, because of the recent discoveries of exceptional opportunities in applications. Antiferroelectric epitaxial films can act as effective thermal valves, memory elements and eco-friendly coolers. I would like to explain the path between the modern thin-film advances and some of their backbones in the experimental physics of phase transitions in AFE bulks. Particularly exciting insights come from x-ray studies of AFE single crystals that are subjected to hydrostatic pressure in diamond anvil cells or to unconventional chemical doping. Diffuse and inelastic x-ray scattering techniques at synchrotrons allow to see the unlocked fluctuations of incommensurate order parameter and understand the link between incommensurations and instability with respect to anti-phase octahedral tilts. That information, which originates from bulk AFE studies, is essential for controlling the functional behavior of AFE films, because octahedral tilts are tightly related to epitaxial strains, while the incommensurations and related phenomena determine the energy storage and, likely, other functional opportunities.