哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)学术讲座:Non-Fourier heat conduction and nonlocal theory, recent progress and application in thermal stress analysis of nanofilms
发布时间:2023-04-24 11:06:18 2351


题目Title: Non-Fourier heat conduction and nonlocal theory, recent progress and application in thermal stress analysis of nanofilms

时间Date:2023年 4月 25日       Time:15:30-17:00

地点Venue:  H栋 313室



Femto pulse laser beams are widely used in additive manufacturing of metals,ceramics and other high-melting temperature materials, where the workpiece experiences sudden heating process with extremely high temperature gradient localized around the heating spot. Recent experimental and theoretical results have showed that thermal stress analysis based on the classical Fourier heat conduction and continuum mechanics will lead to an over-optimistic prediction of the thermomechanical behavior of the material in comparison with the actual situation.

Non-Fourier heat conduction theories were proposed to address the transient heating process involving high temperature or temperature gradient, extremely low temperature, or heterogeneous material structures. This presentation summarizes some of our recent works on thermal stress analysis of transient heat process using non-Fourier heat conduction theories. Rationality of application of non-Fourier heat conductions and nonlocal continuum theory will be discussed first with heat conduction in a silicon and gold nanofilm. Then a typical thermal viscoelastic problem of a polymer nanofilm is invstigated to illustrate the advantages of these theories over the classical theories. In particular, nonlocal theory of continuum exhibits perfect applicability in dealing with localized heating process when combined with non-Fourier heat conduction.


个人简介(About the speaker):

陈增涛博士为加拿大阿尔伯特大学终身教授。陈增涛教授的主要研究领域集中在先进材料的力学行为、金属成型新技术、断裂和损伤力学、材料损伤检测和定量识别等方面。他的工作得到加拿大国家科学与工程基金会、加拿大创新基金会、大西洋创新基金会、加拿大国家杰出研究中心和省科学基金等及企业联合资助超过600万加元。到目前为止他共发表SCI 论文270余篇,著作三部。曾获得加拿大冶金矿业协会轻合金分会最佳论文奖、国际应用力学杂志五年最多引用奖、新不伦瑞克大学杰出研究奖等。自2004 年以来,陈增涛教授已培养四名博士后、近二十名博士,和二十多名硕士生。博士生中13人在知名高校任教,如滑铁卢大学、麦吉尔大学、名古屋大学、兰州大学等。

陈增涛博士现任美国机械工程师学会会士(ASME Fellow)、加拿大机械工程学会会士 (CSME Fellow)、加拿大阿尔伯塔省注册职业工程师。陈教授曾任加拿大国家自然科学与工程基金会机械学科评审组成员(2013-2016)、仪器专项评审委员会成员(2017-2019)。现任七种国际期刊的编辑或特约编辑,超过九十种国际期刊及加拿大国家自然科学与工程基金委、加拿大应用数学基金会、德国洪堡基金、香港科学基金等的评审人。
