荔园数学讲坛: Fast inverse elastic scattering of multiple particles in three dimensions
发布时间:2022-04-11 17:19:01 2307

主讲人:浙江大学 赖俊教授





In this talk, we consider the inverse time-harmonic elastic scattering of multiple rigid particles in three dimensions. We measure the far field information and apply the time reversal method to recover the unknown elastic particles. Two regimes are considered. First, an asymptotic analysis for the imaging of small and distant particles is given based on the scattering property of a single particle, which can be used for selective focusing. Second, for particles that are not small but well-separated, a fast algorithm, based on the combination of multiple scattering theory and fast multipole method, is proposed to efficiently simulate multiple scattering problems and applied in the inverse elastic scattering. Numerical experiments are presented to demonstrate that the proposed method can determine the locations and shapes of multiple particles instantly.


赖俊,南京大学数学系本科,美国密西根州立大学应用数学博士毕业,曾任纽约大学柯朗数学研究所博士后及讲师(Courant Instructor),目前任浙江大学数学科学学院研究员,主要研究声波,电磁波及弹性波方程的散射与反散射问题,在数学知名杂志ACHA,SISC,Math Comp,Inverse Problems等发表文章多篇,主持国家面上项目,并参与基金委重大研究计划,基金委创新群体等研究,曾入选中组部高层次青年人才计划,获十一届全国反问题年会“优秀青年学术奖”。