New Non-isomorphic Detection Methods for Orthogonal Designs
发布时间:2021-10-12 18:10:32 2649


题目Title:New Non-isomorphic Detection Methods for Orthogonal Designs




Two fractional factorial designs are called isomorphic if one can be obtained from the other by relabeling the factors, reordering the runs and switching the levels of factors. Given a set of all orthogonal designs (ODs) with n runs, q levels and s factors, it may have several non-isomorphic subclasses. Once a new OD with this design size is generated, it is interesting to know which subclass it belongs to. In this talk, speaker will introduce two new non-isomorphic detection methods. They can be utilized for the design classification purpose and take some advantages over the existing methods in terms of computation efficiency and classification capability.

个人简介(About the speaker):

柯笑博士毕业于香港浸会大学数学系,现任深圳技术大学大数据与互联网学院助理教授。他目前的研究方向为均匀试验设计,随机优化算法,统计分布代表点等,多篇论文发表于Journal of Complexity, Statistical Papers等知名sci期刊,担任Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications等杂志审稿人。