Advanced Coordinated Contouring Control of Multi-Axis Motion Systems:A GTCF-LARC Approach
发布时间:2019-03-25 14:46:37 2963

演讲人:胡楚雄 副教授

题  目:Advanced Coordinated Contouring Control of Multi-Axis Motion Systems:A GTCF-LARC Approach

时  间:2019 年 3月28日(周四)上午10:00-11:00

地  点:哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)A507 


Advanced multi-axis motion control is significant for modern CNC machine tools and robots. To achieve excellent contouring control of multi-axis systems, coordination mechanism and advanced motion controller are both needed. GTCF is proposed as a new coordination mechanism to provide accurate contouring error estimation and strong multi-axis coordination for complex multi-axis contouring tasks. LARC is developed as an advanced controller for excellent transient/steady-state contouring performance, certain robustness to parametric variation and disturbances. Experiments and applications are finally presented to show the practical effectiveness.。