Distributed, broadband vibration control devices using nonlinear approaches
发布时间:2017-08-08 10:14:28 4016


For ameliorating vibration reduction systems in engineering applications, miscellaneous vibration control methods, including vibration damping systems, have been developed in recent years. As one of intelligent vibration damping systems, nonlinear electronic damping system using smart materials (e.g., piezoelectric materials), is more likely to achieve multimodal vibration control. With the development of meta-structures (a structure based upon metamaterial concepts), electronic vibration damping shunts, such as linear resonant damping or negative capacitance shunts, have been introduced and integrated abundantly in the electromechanical meta-structure design for wave attenuation and vibration reduction control. Herein, semi-passive Synchronized Switch Damping on the Inductor (SSDI) technique (which belongs to nonlinear electronic damping techniques), is combined with smart meta-structure (also called smart periodic structure) concept for broadband wave attenuation and vibration reduction control, especially for low frequency applications. More precisely, in this report, smart periodic structure with nonlinear SSDI electrical networks is investigated from four aspects, including three new nonlinear techniques for limiting vibrations.


包斌,男,生于1989年8月。2010年6月,2013年3月,2016年9月依次毕业于江南大学,西北工业大学和法国里昂国立应用科学学院,分别获得电气工程及其自动化学士学位,控制理论与控制工程硕士学位和电气工程博士学位。2016年9月至12月在法国里昂国立应用科学学院LGEF实验室从事博士后研究。2017年2月至今,在深圳光启高等理工研究院从事企业研究员工作。2017年7月提交深圳市孔雀计划海外高层次人才C类申请。主要研究领域为机械振动与控制,压电能量采集,声学超材料。近年来,先后在“Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing”,“Composite Structures”,“Smart Materials and Structures”,“Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures”等著名国际期刊上以第一作者或共同第一作者身份发表SCI论文五篇,其中中科院SCI分区二区以上三篇,中科院SCI分区三区两篇。